Full Head Cast Demo
-Plaster bandage
-Bald Cap
-Marker Pen
Four people are recommended to assist will a full head cast.
This ensures that the following are covered:
-One to watch the models air way
-One to handle prepared materials
-Two to apply the alinate and plaster bandage
When life casting, it is crucial to keep communicating with your model throughout, as their vision
and hearing becomes impaired. This makes them vunerable and prone to panicking, resulting in an
unsuccessful life cast.
Apply a bald cap , with or without ears.
Take images and measurements to referto to look at when cleaning up the lifecast.
Draw on a hairline with waterbased makeup to trans fer the hairline onto cast
For this lifecast, the back of the head will be recoreded usinf plaster bandage (MMOD-ROC} and th efront will be recorded using alinate. This is tot hat you get a detailed front. The back doesnt usually require detail.
Apply mould release to your model
When applying the plaster bandage, ypu need to be sure not to bring it too far forward as you need to allow enough room to alginate the front.
For thicker bandage, it is folded four times
Start with the top of the head and work behind the ears down to the back of the ence
The neater your mould, the easier it will be to put the front and back casts together.
Try to keep the plaster flush to your model so there are no holes or gaps
Two layers of plaster bandage hsould be applied, then by twisting longer strips of bandae, are placed down the back of the head and across the front of the plaslaster bandage wall
Before applying th ealginate, ensure there is plenty of mould release on the plaster bandage wherer they will meet.
Mix up plenty of alginate to ensure you dont have to leave your model waiting longer than nescessary
Using a porridge cionsistency, starrt to apply an exen coverage over the models face, avoiding the nose area until last. Gently push alginate into the ear
Constant communication with your model at this point especially is important.
Finally get as close as possible to the septum of the nose, keeping air ways clear at all times.
Apply more mould release to stop the existing pplaster bandage edge , from fixing itself to the plaster youre about to apply
Massage the first layer of plaster bandage intot the alginate to ensure its a smooth neat cast
Apply long strips of plaster bandage again to add sttrength tot he edges of the cast. Finally, bandage the septum area, taking your time
When your castis ready to be removed, dim the lights to make sure its not too bright for the model
usually the back will come off first, but this will naturally come loose as the model starts to move.
When removing th front, pull from one side first to release an ear then do the same the other side.
Any excess can be trimmed off for a neater cast.
Neil Gorton - Full Head Cast
Gorton, N. (n.d)Life Casting with Silicones and Alginates. [DVD] Neil Gorton Prosthetics Studio.
Neil Gorton demonstrates two different life casts, This aprticular one has the models hair tied back into a ponytail, which plaster bandage is built around. This give a closer, more accurate reading of the head size and shape. If the back of the head is needed, they hair would have to be wrapped and put under a bald cap.
Alternatively, a bald cap is generally used and the hairline is always drawn on to enable a hairline reading on the cast.