Successful Advertisements
From looking at previous awareness ads and campaigns, it is clear that the 'shock' factor is the most effective and attractive to the viewer. Although many are unpleasant as they display the harsh truth, this draws in the reader as they become shocked in what they are seeing. When people are also able to relate to what is happening, they are more likely to accept that they need to change. Whereas those who do not relate themselves to particular issues, will dismiss them as they believe they are safe and do not need to worry about these.
It is important to give visual examples of what happens to our bodies, as visuals
Change 4 Life
Change 4 Life uses simple techniques to target younger people such as, primary colours, playful text and animatoins. A family pet is featured and used also as an exmaple of healthy eating. Activities shown throughout these adverts are shown as group activities, a key to motivation.
Drink aware
Drink Aware adverts are known for their harsh images and memorable adverts. These adverts use a variety of victims which help to broaden the target audience.
Change4Life, 2009. [Accessed 6 April 2015.]