Transgender on TV
"When you meet a human being the first distinction you make is 'male or female' and you are accustomed to make the distinction with unhesitating certainty"
- Sigmud Freud
Freud,S,(n.d) p.12.

The Jeremy Kyle Show
ITV, Lorraine
The Jeremy Kyle Show,2014. [TV programme recording] ITV, Monday 8 December 2014.Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 18 Jan 2015].
ITV, Lorraine. 2015. Britain’s first Transgender Officer. [TV programme recording] January 2015. Available at:
British soldier, Hannah Winterbourne, is Britains first transgender officer. She was interviewed on Lorraine's morning show where Winterbourne described tht she went through gender transformation after she had already served in the army as a male officer.
She explained how she was respected and looked after whilst training. and they were all very supportive of her.
This interview showed htat we are able to accept the decisions of epople without questionnning them. Perhaps without questionnning, we will learn to accept without any judgement.
Hopefully from this interview, more transgender people will feel comfortable to present themselves as they feel they truly are, without fear of judgement or discrimination.
An inspirational story on The Jeremy Kyle Show was broadcast when sister some on the show to discuss sex reassignment surgery, and how they knew the one sister was different. Growing up was a strange time, as they both knew that she didn't want to be a girl, she rejected femine clothes and dolls, and from then on her sister has supported her with her sex change therapy.
The simplicity of this story is inspiratoinal and a credit to our society, as they were both so brave to tell this story in front of millions of viewers ona show where people are often ridiculed.