Culture of Drag and Transvestism
The Rocky Horror Show
An extravagant performance displaying transvestime as a very strong lifestyle. This story touches on issues regarding sexual ideologies. Perhaps without the large cult following it so famously has, it may not have continued or have been so successful to introduce it to new audiences now.
Wilson D. The Rocky Horror Picture Show. (Undetermined). Journal Of The Fantastic In The Arts [serial online]. January 2008;19(1):146-158. Available from: Art Source, Ipswich, MA. Accessed February 25, 2015.
Last year on the 18 October 2013, I visited The Pavillion to watch The Rocky Horror Show,. this was a surreal experience as I hadn't seen the cult following in person before. They came across as intimidating, I felt out of place when I didn't know lyrics or lines to take part in the experience.
Many men impersonated Tim Curry and others dressed to fit in with the time period in fabulous outfits.
Ackroyd, P.1979. Dressing Up: Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession. Jarrod and Sons Ltd, Norwich. P36, 37, 38, 39.
Different culutres over the world have a varity of ideas, mostly coming from a religious belief. A tribe in Tahiti supports
Thai - Kathoey
In the world of Thai Boxing, some Kathoey - Thai boxers were compet Norng Tum was athai boxer who faught as a man in thai boxng for years. After sex reassignment surgery, in 1999 he was 'forced out of the Muay Thai Ring' This suggests that although transvestism and transgender peopel are acceped and sometimes encouraged, they were still unable to perform the sports sterotyped to men.
Since, Nung Tum starred in the film Beautiful Boxer in 2003
Peter A. Jackson. Queer Bangkok. Hong Kong, HKG: Hong Kong University Press. [e-book]Available at: 2011. ProQuest ebrary.[Accessed Web. 20 February 2015.]
Tim Curry had a very powerful stage prescence, one htat roared passion and glued eyes to him. Obvious cult followers stood at the front of the audience to be as close aspossible, becoming as involved as they could with every opportunity. Perhaps it is the unique, twisted story which leaves fans wanting more. The powerful character of Tim Curry is inspirational with his confidence and controvercial appearance.
De Lutiis, A. 2010.The Rocky Horror Picture Show "Sweet Transvestite" [online video]Available at:[Accessed 27 Feb 2015]

Uekrongtham, E.2003. Beautiful Boxer. [DVD] GMM Pictures.

Transvestism Rejected
Looking at these images from Ackroyd (1979) they support the same ideas however are obviously portrayed differently. Where in America, the extreme, flamboyant lifestyle causes contraversy for its powerful attitude and movenent, in more diverse cultures, such as Africa, their representation of transvestism is appears more subtle.
Transvestism Accepted
In this culture, we see that there is no questionning transvestite people as it has been part of their culture for centuries. Perhaps this is why American culture rejects transvestism as it appears a more modern idea which is growing today.
Drag Makeup: