Celebrity Culture
Music Videos
Music videos have a huge impact on society, especially young poeple. Girls in particular have many role models in the popular industry. These icons such as Miley Cyrus have pervocative music videos, probably for the attention from the media, but don't consider young girls who look up to her.
Magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Ok!, Cosmopolitan and Glamour, all have a strong influence on gierls and woomen in particular with their false representation of how we should look and what we should wear.
Photoshop it a massive issue in the media, as majority of magazine images are photoshopped, making the image become untrue and fake. This increases pressure of both men and women to improve their appearance or even to try and look like someone deemed beautiful. These 'beautiful' people are often those with slim figures, long legs and a full bust. And typically on mens magazines such as Mens Health, there will be a perfectly muscular, buffed image on the cover.
MileyCyursVEVO, 2013. Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball [online video] Available at:www.youtube.com/watch?v=My2FRPA3Gf8 [Access date 24 Feb 2015]

Roca, T. 2014. Picture Perfect? 7 of Kim Kardashins worst Photoshop fails. [online image]Available at: http://okmagazine.com/photos/kim-kardashian-photoshopped-pictures/photo/1001152005/ [Accessed 24 Feb 2015]

Arthur, C. 2010. How we learned to love Photoshop. The guardian. [online image]Available at:http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2010/feb/11/photoshop-20-years-old-verb [Accessed 24 Feb 2015]
Kim Kardashion is a very popular celebrity, especially in her recent nude photos where her body was ridiculously photoshopped and caused quite a stir in the media.
Here is an example of what Photoshop has done to Kim Kardashian.
-her waist is smaller
-fuller upper butt
-slimmer thighs
-even skin tone
-hair corrections
-slight breast lift
Keira Knightley recently voiced her opinion on photoshop after having a topless photo of her go viral, so she can promote true images in the media. In films such as Pirates of the Caribbean, her bust is photoshopped ot look fuller. However as a stunning individual, this is highly unnnessesary to 'improve' her appearance.