Drag King
Drag Kings are women who dress up to impersonate men and use makeup to make themselves look masculine.
'we put on lots of make-up, especially contouring, but instead our highlighting and contouring is completely in the opposite places that drag queens highlight' (Belle, J. 2013)
This comment from Landon Cider himself was interesting as it is describes as the opposite of a female Drag Makeup. They use techniques which opppose feminine impersonation by adding shade to the areas Drag Queens would add highlighter. I found this interesting and useful for when I create my own Drag King makeup.
Starpulse, 2013. Drag King Landon Cider Is Hoping To Be As Accepted And Respected As His Drag Queen Counter- [online article]at: partshttp://www.starpulse.com/news/Jeza_Belle/2013/07/12/drag_king_landon_cider_is_hoping_to_be [Accessed 6 2015]

Kryolan Supra Color
Brown 046
Dark brown 101
MAC foundation:
Foundation Pallette:
Dark Brown 901
Dark Brown
Brown shadow pressed into hairline for a harsher line
Contour to broaden forehead
Shade inner eye sockets to bring the eyes closer together
tone down natural cheek bones
neutralise feminine pink lip tone
stipple beard hair shadow with brush
add harsher hair, stippling on dark brown supra color with stipple sponge
create shadow of adams apple
I added some ageing to my modles face, so next time I would consider this when designing my makeup.
The ageing helped to bring a more masculine, harsher look to my models face as she has very soft skin and face shape.
I sturggled to create an adams apple as I was unsure of the positioning on her neck. I also felt that this makeup coul have carried on to the shoulders and chest with body hair. However my models clothes were unsuitable for this. If I were to put my model i a vest, with posture I could have created a more convincing photo.
Drag King Design
Kristinathe, 2014. Woman to a Man Makeup transformation. [online video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lR6MgzPLJM [Accessed 7 Feb 2015.]
This video was useful to see if a different approach was taken. From videos and images I have seen, it helps for the model to naturally have a harsher jaw line, as I think this is easier to work with when figuring out where shadows and hair growth could be.
Harwood, J. 2013. Male to Female Makeup.[online video]Available at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJISkHOCfTc[Accessed 7 Feb 2015]
This was an interesting vide to watch for tips on male to female makeup.