- Current Society
On this morning, Jordan Parke was interviewed and knowing phil from watching him perviously, you can see his opinon when he asks wether her Jordan thinks he looks good or not.
Parke has undergone lip filler surgery, microdermabrasion and other treatment. All of which were inspired by Kim and her falwless look.
In closely following her, Parke decided to mimic her appearance in his own way.
Looking at the review of the Daily Mail article, comments left appear to be harsh and very jusdgemental. Especally as in interview, he said he wasn't trying to look like her but was influenced by her. However the Daily Mail states that 'He wants ot look like Kim Kardashian' which ocntradicts what he has said. However if both satatements were said, he may have been under influence to admit so. The pressure of the spotlight in the media

(Parke, 2015.)
Transvestite in Film

Tootsie, 1982. [TV programme recording] BBC Scotland,13 September 2011 23:20. Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 15 Jan 2015].
The film, Albert Nobbs, displays women playing the role of women disguised as men. They dress in disguise as men so that thay can have a working role in society to earn money to make a living. In this period, women instead, stereotypically, worked as maids, cooks and dress makers.
Neither of these women were transgender, but it was intersting to see how they changed their appearance. They had short hair, wore mens clothes, bound their chests and spoke in a lower tone of voice. Their characters were believeable and within the film, they successfully played male roles in society.
Albert Nobbs
Albert Nobbs. 2011. [DVD] Rodrigo Garcia. UK Mockingbird Pictures.

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, 1994. [TV programme recording] Film4, Sun 14 Jan 2007 21:00. Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 6 Jan 2015].

Transformation in Film
Hughes, C. 2015. 15 Amazing makeup transformations for the Movies. Daily News Dig. [online image] Available at: [Accessed 16 Jan 2015]

-Television Drama
Jeffree Star
-Public figure
Transvestism in the Media
(n.d) Jeffree Star. Pinterest [online] Available at:
izizmile n.d. Jeffree Star - comparison image,.[image online] Available at:
Jeffree Star - A public figure in the makeup industry. He has many fans and followers especaially on his Instagram page where he blogs, promotes and sells makeup from other brands such as MAC and his own brand, Jeffree Star.
Tootsie was interesting to watch as we see why Dustin Hoffman becomes a woman in order to continue his acting career. Hoffman dresses as a woman to get an acting job, because as a man, there wen'r ebough roles, therefore there were no acting jobs for him. To overcome this, he decieves people into thinking hes a woman and gets an acting job as a female role.
He uses heavy foundations and concealers to disguise any facial hair shadows and stubble. His makeup was flattering and feminine, with dark eyes and pink, nude lip tones. His makeup was subtle and effective, as too much may have drawn too much attention. Wearing a wig and feminine clothing helped to give the impression that he is a woman. As a shorter man, he successfully fulfilled this role and fitted in with ladies fashion for her age.
This film was a very bold example of drag performance. Ther makeups and outfits were over the top and very loud, purposely for the stage.
As performers, two were homosexual transvesties, and the other a man with a wife and son. This film showed that transvestism can be a way of life, whether it be a double life or an everyday way of living. Throughout the film we see the father affraid to let his son see him performing dressing, singing and dancing like a woman. However in this case, the young boy enjoys his fathers performance and is proud of his entertainment.
Accused: Tracie’s Story. 2012. [TV Programme Recording] BBC One. Available through: Box of Broadcasts Database. [Accessed 11 Jan, 2015.]
Accused is a series where a different characters story is told each week. Tracie's Story is that of a transvestite man, who lives a double life, dressing up in full makeup and outfit which give the illusion that he is a woman. He exoreiences abuse on a night out and is unfairly dicriminated against to leave a bar as she was drawing attention.
She begins to develop a homosexual relationship with a man she met. It appears at first that the other mad doesn't really know what he wants, howver as the viewer, it was comforting that Tracie had achieved to gain the attention she wanted.
![]() Eddie-Murphy - Norbit | ![]() Robin Willimas - Mrs.Doubtfire |
![]() John Travolta - Hairspray |