Body Painting
Bodypainting on pinterest:

Applying a block of white and a smaller block of black grease a distance apart, drag the colour into eachother, using separate brushes. Use a clean brush to
This shows practice of how to put colours next to eachother without mixing the colours. Usually coloured powders would be used to set each colour and keep their strong colour as translucent powder would fade the colour.
Bodypainting Workshop:
Blending water based Colours

This technique was to help practice blending colours and creating thick blocks of colour. I found that the technique was fairly simple, however I would change the colour combination I chose, because when mixed, I didn't like the colour it made. I chose contrassting colours to make a bold appearance.
Black to white transition - Grease

Block Colour

The World Bodypainting Festival is held in Austria, where thousands of people gather to watch, collaborate or compete in the unique experience.
Many different types of body painting are exhibited and created at the festival, from illusion, to fantasy.
Transfer Tattoo
Here is a technique to create your own transfer tattoos.
I was unable to try this technique as I couldnt get hold of any transfer paper. However next time i will ensure I try this out as it may become useful for future makeups.
Another option would have been to print onto transfer paper a ready made image. This would limit what you wanted in comparison to a free hand design.
Wiki How. (n.d) How to create your own Temporary Tattoo[online article] Available at:
I chose these images as they were particularly interesting to look at. The combination of bothe masculine and feminine features made me question the puropse of this makeup. The painted on facial hair combined with red lipstick was an obvious contradiction. This appeared to be a Drag act with a twist.
Fullers Earth
Using Aqua Colours, I created a red base and applied a smooth layer of Fullers Earth on top. As it was too thick it tool a while to dry and didn't successfully achieve the look I wanted. I drew in scales to create a dragon style texture.
If I had applied a thinner layer, the scales would have been a lot neater and easier to see.
The next ecperiment was to apply a layer of Fullers Earth to my hand and arm and create a sort of muscle effest. I then tried painting Supra Color within the areas I scraped away. I found this difficult as it required fine brushes for accuracy, however I thought this was effective. I then experimented further and added a range of colours and finally gold, which sat particularly well when the Fullers Earth began to crack.
![]() Draw in Gel Pen |
![]() Transfer with damp cloth |
![]() Peel back |