The Body Shocking Show
Pete Burns

Amanda Lepore
Kellie Maloney - Big Brother contestant
Drake, M.Kellie Maloney: Surgery nearly killed me and turned me into a monster. [online image] Available at:
Through interviews from television programmes, comments below of a very abusive nature are left. Others are supportive and defend him as they feel sorry for him due to the result of his surgery. It appears that people to this day ar euncomfortable with the idea of sex change or surgery to appear as th eopposite sex.
He is often mistaken for a transgender, however he is in fact a transvestite - a man made to appear as a woman.

The Body Shocking Show, 2008. [TV programme recording] E4 8 October 2012 22:00. Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 4 January 2015].
Amanda Lepore, had a transgender operation at the age of 19 and since has had numerous cosmetic surgeries such as lip fillers, injections, nose job, forehead lift, breast augmentations and butt implants. She is an iconic transsexual in New York. She also had her lower ribs broken to make her wait appear smaller although this is illegal in many countries.
As a child her parents thried to stop her from becoming a girl 'refusing to take her to ballet lessons and stopping her from growing her hair long' (Whitelocks, 2014.)
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Whitelocks, S. 2014. 'I've got the most expensive body on earth': Celebrated transsexual party-goer speaks out about her 'painful' transformation- including breaking her lower ribs to look thinner. [online article]Available at:
The Body Shocking Show, 2008. [TV programme recording] E4 8 October 2012 22:00. Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 4 January 2015].
Kellie Maloney
Kellie was previously a contestant on Channel 4's Celebrity Big Brother. Kellie voiced her struggles to The Mirror with helping her two daughters understand the changes that were coming. She has signed for sex reassignment surgery for the near future even though she struggled a great ordeal with cosmetic facial surgery.
An allergic reaction casued her face to swell, from which she suffered severe discomfort, yet she is still willing to proceed with surgery to complete her transition.
Celebrity Big Brother
Here we witness some of Kellies traits and personality as she defends herself after a rude housemate speaks disrespectfully. It is not evident that Frenchie doesn't accept Kellie becasue she feels uncomfortable towards her.
Big Brother UK. 2014.Kellie blows her top with Frenchy | Day 4, Celebrity Big Brother [online video] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jan 2015]