For this makeup I chose to keep my models facial hair as many Drag Acts are very obviuosly men whether they have facial hair or not. So I chose to experiment with a makeup to see whether it would work with a beard or not.
Block out Brows
For this makeup this wasnt required as he has very fair eyebrows
I applied a smooth coverage of foundation all over, including the lips
I then conroured into the cheeks but decided not to be to heavy on the nose
To warm up the skin I added a peachy blush along the contoured cheek
I drew on brows above the natural brows and created a feminine curve
I chose two bbold colours for a more theatrical makeup
I then applied lashes to give an instant feminine touch
I originally chose a pinky tone but decided a deeper red would look more suitable
For a final touch I added a theatrical wig

Overall, I thought this was a successful experiment as the reactions I got from this makeup helped me to determine how the public may react.
Looking at this makeup, next time I would apply eyeliner to give a more defined, harsher makeup. I would also contour the nose heavier, to make this a slightly more feminine feature.

Drag Makeup for stage
MAC Foundation:
Black liquid liner
Lips: lip rouge mini pallette, LC058
liner: Red
false lashes and mascara
High arched brows
dark brown, 901