Closed Mould - Lips

I created these moulds from a generic head, which as a result, weren't far off my models lips.
I suclpted two sets of lios, both inspired by transvestite makeups
The firs pair were inspired by Jeffree Star, to give a more feminine, plump look which will then be enhanced by makeup.
The second pair were influenced by Pete Burns to demonstrate an extreme cosmetic lip surgery.
I textured both apirs, covering with cling film and carefully adding in natural creases. However, for the surgery makeup, the lips would be smoother with less texture as the skin is unnaturally stretched.
Once gorund up and released, I moulded both pairs to create a snap mould for each.
Pete Burns
The Body Shocking Show, 2008. [TV programme recording] E4 8 October 2012 22:00. Available through: Box of Broadcasts database [Accessed 4 January 2015].

I cleaned the moulds and released them in preparation for running them. I chose to use gelatine first to see if the mould was successful and to remove any excess clay. As the pieces came out beautifully with thin appliable edges, I used these pieces as the gelatine was pigmented from previous runs.
Next time I would run these pieces in silicone to compare application an appearance. I was uunsure of applying silicone pieces to the lips as IPA could go into my models mouth. I will look into alternative methods, or application methods to ensure this is safe for next time.

Jeffree Star
(n.d) Jeffree Star. Pinterest [online] Available at: